Success Story — Riza R.

Kindly tell us about your experience with the visa processing. You can write how you felt before, during, and after.

I started my visa processing in year 2017 and took me 4 years to finally got my immigrant visa. On the early part of my processing, I went through RFE that was easily resolved, and waited two more years to be interviewed in US Embassy. However, in 2019, I was one of the nurses who went through the 221g status and had to wait for another year for the issue to be resolved by the US Embassy. Thankfully, the office of Atty. Carmen and my employer have been so helpful and guided me throughout the whole processing time until I finally received my most awaited US Visa on October 1, 2021. It seems like all the waiting game and delays were paid off at the end.

Share the things that you were excited and anxious about during the process to deployment.

To be deployed immediately to US will always be the thing that i’m excited about. But i do know that I have to wait for the perfect timing on when it’s gonna happen. With everything that happened to me like the 221g issue and the pandemic, i almost lost hope on attaining my US dream. I just came to realize that this delay spare me from experiencing the worst effect of Covid-19 in NYC that time and when I finally got my visa, vaccine was already available and Covid-19 has been in control already. So I guess, I just came in time to be physically and emotionally prepared for my US deployment on October 2021 and formally started my nursing career to my assigned facility the following month.

Talk about why you chose a career in the USA.

Since I was in College, I have this vision that I will be migrating to USA as a Registered Nurse. For me, being in USA will give me more opportunities for personal and professional growth as well as will give my family a better life in the future. Probably this dream of mine put me to this mentality that when you really put your mind into something, it’ll be given to you as long as you persevere and have faith in God. That’s why when I had the ticket to my American dream in 2016 after passing the NCLEX, i started immediately my processing in order to get here. And through my journey, I got to inspire my colleagues, my former students and friends to also achieve their American dreams too.


Success Story: Fiona N .


Success Story — Dianne N.