Success Story: Fiona N .

Kindly tell us about your experience with the visa processing. You can write how you felt before, during, and after.

At first, I was very anxious about transitioning from an F-1 visa to an EB-3 visa process. The pressure of finding a sponsorship agency and a lawyer after graduating from nursing school in Los Angeles was one of my most important life milestones. After I reached out to Greendoor, which cooperates with the legal team of Attorney Carmen, it has been released all the pressure that I had. I can finally, officially, be called Los Angeles my second home while working in a career that I love.

Throughout the visa transitioning process, Greendoor and the legal team of Attorney Carmen have been reachable at the time that I needed. The direction was clear and informative in guiding me to prepare all documents. I knew their intention of helping me in the visa process was for the best. I would say that I feel at ease, supportive and confident with Greendoor and the legal team of Attorney Carmen throughout the process.

Share the things that you were excited and anxious about during the process of finding an employer and your deployment.

Before graduating from nursing school as an international student in May 2022, I was worried about finding an agency to answer my checklist: work location, contract transparency, pay transparency, nursing career support, and legal team support. As early reached Greendoor, I was able to start my first nursing career right after in June 2022. Greendoor answered all my checklists that I have.

I was an international student in Los Angeles from 2014 - 2022; 8 years passed, and some people I met here became my close friends and family. Mention the most exciting part; I am most excited to continue living in Los Angeles and growing my connection on professional and personal levels.

Talk about why you chose a career in the USA

Stability, Growth, and Opportunities! These core keys keep me pushing every day in the U.S. Over 8 years have passed in the U.S., this country that allows me to thrive in many ways. Not only can I financially provide for what I need for myself, but for the people I love, my family. Likewise, if there are little or big chances that I can do for others, I drive in with the intention to give back as I can.

As career-wise, I found that nursing is what I love; there are so many opportunities for me to grow in specialties. I cannot wait to see myself in the next 5 years with a nursing career in the U.S. because I feel that I am living fulfilling a lifelong dream of mine.


The Future of Healthcare: How Filipino Nurses are Leading the Way


Success Story — Riza R.